《Climate Services》雜志的最新年發文量為89篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 26 Weeks 。
Climate Services 雜志發文統計
- What can climate services learn from theory and practice of co-production?22
- Toward a multi-faceted conception of co-production of climate services19
- Do climate services make a difference? A review of evaluation methodologies and practices to assess the value of climate information services for farmers: Implications for Africa18
- Sectoral use of climate information in Europe: A synoptic overview18
- Global crop yield forecasting using seasonal climate information from a multi-model ensemble14
- What have we learnt from EUPORIAS climate service prototypes?13
- The CORDEX.be initiative as a foundation for climate services in Belgium12
- Seasonal predictions of Fire Weather Index: Paving the way for their operational applicability in Mediterranean Europe12
- Dynamical and statistical downscaling of seasonal temperature forecasts in Europe: Added value for user applications11
- The role of climate services in agricultural productivity in Ghana: The perspectives of farmers and institutions11
- England28
- USA28
- Netherlands17
- Spain15
- Italy14
- France12
- Finland10
- Austria8
- South Africa8