《German Journal Of Human Resource Management-zeitschrift Fur Personalforschung》雜志的最新年發文量為7篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
German Journal Of Human Resource Management-zeitschrift Fur Personalforschung 雜志發文統計
- Managing non-family talent: Evidence from German-speaking regions5
- Linking justice perceptions, workplace relationship quality and job performance: The differential roles of vertical and horizontal workplace relationships4
- Organizational working time regimes: Drivers, consequences and attempts to change patterns of excessive working hours3
- Digital technology, work extension and the acceleration society3
- Advancing knowledge on human resource management in family firms: An introduction and integrative framework3
- Handling tensions in human resource management: Insights from paradox theory3
- Workplace favouritism, psychological contract violation and turnover intention: Moderating roles of authentic leadership and job insecurity climate3
- The interrelationships among job satisfaction, work-home interference and psychological contract breach2
- Sickness presenteeism as coping behaviour under conditions of high job control2
- Further exploring the links between high-performance work practices and firm performance: A multiple-mediation model in the German context2
- Austria13
- England4
- Spain4
- Australia2
- Belgium2
- Denmark2
- Ireland2
- Switzerland2
- Brazil1