《Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks》雜志的最新年發文量為262篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks 雜志發文統計
- Improved-salp swarm optimized type-II fuzzy controller in load frequency control of multi area islanded AC microgrid17
- Integrating renewable energy in smart grid system: Architecture, virtualization and analysis16
- A cloud-based smart metering infrastructure for distribution grid services and automation12
- Improved grey wolf optimization technique for fuzzy aided PID controller design for power system frequency control11
- A market-based framework for demand side flexibility scheduling and dispatching11
- An optimization model for electrical vehicles scheduling in a smart grid10
- Congestion management in active distribution networks through demand response implementation10
- A framework for the provision of flexibility services at the transmission and distribution levels through aggregator companies10
- Reliability impacts of the dynamic thermal rating and battery energy storage systems on wind-integrated power networks10
- A novel behavioral real time pricing scheme for the active energy consumers' participation in emerging flexibility markets9
- Iran40
- India27
- Italy24
- USA18
- France13
- Netherlands11
- Australia10
- Denmark8
- England8