《Anthropology Southern Africa》雜志的最新年發文量為19篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Anthropology Southern Africa 雜志發文統計
- Tuberculosis in health workers as an occupational disease6
- Rethinking medicinal plants and plant medicines2
- Food, memory and transnational gastronomic culture amongst Cameroonian migrants in Cape Town, South Africa2
- Containing tuberculosis, perpetuating stigma: the materiality of N95 respirator masks2
- What is anthropology that decolonising scholarship should be mindful of it?2
- Implications of incomplete restorative justice in South African land restitution: lessons from the Moletele case1
- There is life in this place: DIY formalisation, buoyant life and citizenship in Marikana informal settlement, Potchefstroom, South Africa1
- Football and forlorn hope: an ethnographic comic concerning the Grahamstown Soccer Association from 1975 to 19851
- ''On paper and having papers: Zimbabwean migrant women's experiences in accessing healthcare in Giyani, Limpopo province, South Africa1
- A disease beyond reach: nurse perspectives on the past and present of tuberculosis control in South Africa1
- South Africa64
- England7
- Namibia7
- Botswana4
- Belgium3
- USA3
- Zimbabwe3
- Canada2
- Scotland2