《Journal Of Experimental Psychology-animal Learning And Cognition》雜志的最新年發文量為21篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Experimental Psychology-animal Learning And Cognition 雜志發文統計
- Suboptimal Choice, Reward-Predictive Signals, and Temporal Information10
- Rats Engage in Suboptimal Choice When the Delay to Food Is Sufficiently Long9
- Stimulus Control of Actions and Habits: A Role for Reinforcer Predictability and Attention in the Development of Habitual Behavior8
- Cognitive and Behavioral Training Interventions to Promote Self-Control8
- The Partial Reinforcement Extinction Effect: The Proportion of Trials Reinforced During Conditioning Predicts the Number of Trials to Extinction7
- Learning Mechanisms Underlying Accurate and Biased Contingency Judgments7
- Delayed Rewards Facilitate Habit Formation7
- Multiple Feature Use in Pigeons' Category Discrimination: The Influence of Stimulus Set Structure and the Salience of Stimulus Differences6
- Timing or Counting? Control by Contingency Reversals at Fixed Times or Numbers of Responses6
- Individual Differences Are More Than a Gene X Environment Interaction: The Role of Learning5
- USA40
- England29
- Australia21
- Spain12
- Wales9
- Canada8
- Portugal5
- France4
- Belgium3