《Learning Culture And Social Interaction》雜志的最新年發文量為57篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Learning Culture And Social Interaction 雜志發文統計
- Teacher-student interaction on wikis: Fostering collaborative learning and writing12
- Striking a balance: Socio-emotional processes during argumentation in collaborative learning interaction10
- What is dialogic teaching? Constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing a pedagogy of classroom talk9
- Knowledge co-construction activities and task-related monitoring in scripted collaborative learning9
- Social learning through rural communities of practice: Empirical evidence from farming households in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta9
- Deconflating the ZPD and instructional scaffolding: Retranslating and reconceiving the zone of proximal development as the zone of next development8
- The material and social constitution of interest7
- The Three Domains for Dialogue: A framework for analysing dialogic approaches to teaching and learning7
- The relationship between conceptions of learning and academic outcomes in middle school students according to gender differences7
- The role of critical incidents in the dialogical construction of teacher identity. Analysis of a professional transition case6
- USA45
- Finland25
- Norway23
- England20
- Sweden18
- Australia11
- Netherlands11
- Denmark7
- Italy7