《European Journal Of Futures Research》雜志的最新年發文量為10篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 14 Weeks 。
European Journal Of Futures Research 雜志發文統計
- Backcasting in futures studies: a synthesized scholarly and planning approach to strategic smart sustainable city development8
- Generating a vision for smart sustainable cities of the future: a scholarly backcasting approach7
- Scenarios in the strategy process: a framework of affordances and constraints5
- Innovation policy and international relations: directions for EU diplomacy3
- Urban energy futures: a comparative analysis3
- Creating a shared narrative: the use of causal layered analysis to explore value co-creation in a novel service ecosystem2
- But do they deliver? Participatory agenda setting on the test bed2
- A proposal of a new foresight platform considering of sustainable development goals2
- Drivers, trends and scenarios for the future of health in Europe. Impressions from the FRESHER project2
- For an inclusive innovation. Healing the fracture between the human and the technological in the hypercomplex society2
- Finland6
- Italy3
- Norway3
- USA3
- Australia2
- Austria2
- Belgium2
- France2
- Iran2