《Psychology Of Violence》雜志的最新年發文量為37篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Psychology Of Violence 雜志發文統計
- Substance Use and Intimate Partner Violence: A Meta-Analytic Review39
- Mental Health Factors and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration an Victimization: A Meta-Analysis30
- Resilience Portfolios and Poly-Strengths: Identifying Protective Factors Associated With Thriving After Adversity21
- Alcohol, Drugs, and Violence: A Meta-Meta-Analysis18
- The Effects of Intersecting Stigma: A Longitudinal Examination of Minority Stress, Mental Health, and Substance Use Among Black, Latino, and Multiracial Gay and Bisexual Men17
- Evaluation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Domestic Violence Offenders16
- Emotion Regulation and Aggression: The Incremental Contribution of Alexithymia, Impulsivity, and Emotion Dysregulation Facets16
- Sexual Violence Is #NotOkay: Social Reactions to Disclosures of Sexual Victimization on Twitter15
- Prevalence of Student Violence Against Teachers: A Meta-Analysis13
- Protective Factors Associated With Resilience in Women Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence11
- USA161
- Canada12
- England12
- Netherlands9
- Australia6
- Denmark6
- South Korea6
- Spain6
- Israel5