《Earthquakes And Structures》雜志的最新年發文量為72篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Earthquakes And Structures 雜志發文統計
- A new 3-unknown hyperbolic shear deformation theory for vibration of functionally graded sandwich plate19
- Thermal vibration analysis of FGM beams using an efficient shear deformation beam theory16
- Numerical analysis for free vibration of functionally graded beams using an original HSDBT15
- Combined seismic and energy upgrading of existing reinforced concrete buildings using TRM jacketing and thermal insulation13
- Finite element solution of stress and flexural strength of functionally graded doubly curved sandwich shell panel12
- Effect of nonlinear elastic foundations on dynamic behavior of FG plates using four-unknown plate theory10
- Effect of the micromechanical models on the bending of FGM beam using a new hyperbolic shear deformation theory9
- Full scale tests of RC joints with minor to moderate seismic damage repaired using C-FRP sheets8
- On the effect of the micromechanical models on the free vibration of rectangular FGM plate resting on elastic foundation7
- Evaluation of genetic algorithms for the optimum distribution of viscous dampers in steel frames under strong earthquakes7
- Iran64
- Turkey37
- Algeria18
- India16
- Italy16
- Taiwan16
- Greece14
- Saudi Arabia13
- USA13