Journal Of Marine Engineering And Technology 雜志發文統計
Utilising elastic waves of acoustic emission to assess the condition of spray nozzles in a marine diesel engine7
Big data analysis of port state control ship detention database7
Structural damage of ship-FPSO collisions5
Optimising design and power management in energy-efficient marine vessel power systems: a literature review5
Simplified fatigue analysis of structural details of an ageing LPG carrier4
Increasing energy efficiency in passenger ships by novel energy conservation measures4
Using computational fluid dynamic and artificial neural networks to predict the performance and cavitation volume of a propeller under different geometrical and physical characteristics4
A systematic simulation methodology for LNG ship operations in port waters: a case study in Meizhou Bay3
A numerical investination on grouted connections for offshore wind turbines under combined loads2
Application of the microscopic and Mossbauer studies to the analysis of a marine diesel engine crankshaft2