《Bmj Supportive & Palliative Care》雜志的最新年發文量為224篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Bmj Supportive & Palliative Care 雜志發文統計
- Cancer cachexia: rationale for the MENAC (Multimodal-Exercise, Nutrition and Anti-inflammatory medication for Cachexia) trial23
- CPR decision-making conversations in the UK: an integrative review15
- The importance of identifying preferred place of death10
- Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) management: a review of international and national guidelines9
- Healthcare professionals' moral distress in adult palliative care: a systematic review9
- Advance care planning in England: Is there an association with place of death? Secondary analysis of data from the National Survey of Bereaved People9
- Training general practitioners contributes to the identification of palliative patients and to multidimensional care provision: secondary outcomes of an RCT9
- Self-management, self-management support needs and interventions in advanced cancer: a scoping review8
- Managing Cancer And Living Meaningfully (CALM): randomised feasibility trial in patients with advanced cancer8
- Hospital end-of-life care in haematological malignancies8
- England155
- USA44
- Australia42
- Canada22
- Scotland22
- Wales19
- Italy16
- France12
- Belgium11
- Spain11