《Journal Of Fish And Wildlife Management》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為22篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Journal Of Fish And Wildlife Management 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計
- Development of a Species Status Assessment Process for Decisions under the US Endangered Species Act14
- Genetic Mark-Recapture Improves Estimates of Maternity Colony Size for Indiana Bats4
- Observed Resiliency of Little Brown Myotis to Long-Term White-Nose Syndrome Exposure4
- Hunters and Their Perceptions of Public Access: A View from Afield4
- Estimation of Vital Rates for the Hawaiian Gallinule, a Cryptic, Endangered Waterbird3
- Walleye Responses to Barotrauma Relief Treatments for Catch-and-Release Angling: Short-Term Changes to Condition and Behavior3
- Hunting and Game Consumption Patterns of Hunters in South Carolina3
- Detection of Gopher Tortoise Burrows Before and After a Prescribed Fire: Implications for Surveys3
- Correlates of Habitat Fragmentation and Northern Bobwhite Abundance in the Gulf Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative2
- Mowing Effects on Woody Stem Density and Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation Heights Along Mississippi Highway Right-of-Ways2
- USA148
- Canada6
- Mexico2
- Australia1
- England1
- Japan1
- Turkey1