《International Journal Of Feminist Approaches To Bioethics》雜志的最新年發文量為22篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
International Journal Of Feminist Approaches To Bioethics 雜志發文統計
- Family for Life and Death: Family Presence during Resuscitation3
- Childbirth Is Not an Emergency: Informed Consent in Labor and Delivery2
- From She Would Say That, Wouldn't She?'' to Does She Take Sugar?'' Epistemic Injustice and Disability2
- Should Pregnancy Be Considered a (Temporary) Disability?1
- The Voices Missing from the Autonomy Discourse (Are Also the Most Indispensable)1
- Relationality and Life: Phenomenological Reflections on Miscarriage1
- Neurotechnologies, Relational Autonomy, and Authenticity1
- Relational Agency and Neurotechnology: Developing and Deploying Competency through Intricate Partnerships1
- Being Guided: What Oncofertility Patients' Decisions Can Teach Us about the Efficacy of Autonomy, Agency, and Decision- Making Theory in the Contemporary Clinical Encounter1
- Commodifying Compassion: Affective Economies of Human Milk Exchange1
- USA46
- Canada20
- Australia5
- England4
- France2
- Austria1
- Ireland1
- Israel1
- Netherlands1