《Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs》雜志的最新年發文量為98篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 偏慢,4-8周 。
Journal Of Studies On Alcohol And Drugs 雜志發文統計
- Are the Best Buys for Alcohol Control Still Valid? An Update on the Comparative Cost-Effectiveness of Alcohol Control Strategies at the Global Level32
- Alcohol Consumption and the Physical Availability of Take-Away Alcohol: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of the Days and Hours of Sale and Outlet Density21
- Reasons for Testing Mediation in the Absence of an Intervention Effect: A Research Imperative in Prevention and Intervention Research20
- What's in a Trial? On the Importance of Distinguishing Between Experimental Lab Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials: The Case of Cognitive Bias Modification and Alcohol Use Disorders15
- Pregnancy, Fertility, Breastfeeding, and Alcohol Consumption: An Analysis of Framing and Completeness of Information Disseminated by Alcohol Industry-Funded Organizations15
- The Future of Research on Alcohol-Related Disparities Across US Racial/Ethnic Groups: A Plan of Attack13
- Distinguishing Characteristics of E-Cigarette Users Who Attempt and Fail to Quit: Dependence, Perceptions, and Affective Vulnerability12
- Age Differences in Daily and Nondaily Cannabis Use in the United States, 2002-201411
- Alcohol's Secondhand Harms in the United States: New Data on Prevalence and Risk Factors10
- Measuring Unmet Demand for Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment: The Application of an Australian Population-Based Planning Model10
- USA257
- Canada41
- Australia24
- England20
- Sweden19
- Netherlands7
- Finland6
- France6
- Brazil5