《Survey Research Methods》雜志的最新年發文量為30篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 52 Weeks 。
Survey Research Methods 雜志發文統計
- Mixed-Mode: Past, Present, and Future13
- The cross-country measurement comparability in the immigration module of the European Social Survey 2014-1510
- Approximate measurement invariance and longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis: concept and application with panel data9
- Participation in a mobile app survey to collect expenditure data as part of a large-scale probability household panel: coverage and participation rates and biases8
- Too Fast, too Straight, too Weird: Non-Reactive Indicators for Meaningless Data in Internet Surveys8
- Can nonprobability samples be used for social science research? A cautionary tale6
- Tree-based Machine Learning Methods for Survey Research5
- Willingness to use mobile technologies for data collection in a probability household panel5
- Is there an association between survey characteristics and representativeness? A meta-analysis4
- Misreporting to Looping Questions in Surveys: Recall, Motivation and Burden3
- USA33
- England13
- Switzerland7
- Netherlands6
- Spain6
- Australia4
- Poland4
- Brazil2
- Ecuador2