《Service Business》雜志的最新年發文量為33篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Service Business 雜志發文統計
- A global approach to the analysis of user behavior in mobile payment systems in the new electronic environment19
- Psychological contract breach and service innovation behavior: psychological capital as a mediator11
- Antecedents of customer participation in business ecosystems: evidence of customers' psychological ownership in Facebook6
- Quality management as a driver of innovation in the service industry6
- Motivation triggers for customer participation in value co-creation6
- Value logics for service innovation: practice-driven implications for service-dominant logic5
- Effects of key value co-creation elements in the healthcare system: focusing on technology applications5
- A comparative analysis of electronic service quality in the online open market and social commerce: the case of Korean young adults5
- Alleviating job stress to improve service employee work affect: the influence of rewarding5
- Understanding shopping routes of offline purchasers: selection of search-channels (online vs. offline) and search-platforms (mobile vs. PC) based on product types4
- South Korea38
- USA19
- Taiwan18
- Spain14
- Vietnam4
- Finland3
- France3
- Turkey3
- Australia2