《Symmetry Integrability And Geometry-methods And Applications》雜志的最新年發文量為108篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 偏慢,4-8周 。
Symmetry Integrability And Geometry-methods And Applications 雜志發文統計
- Surface Defects in E-String Compactifications and the van Diejen Model9
- Multivariate Quadratic Transformations and the Interpolation Kernel7
- A Solvable Deformation of Quantum Mechanics6
- Vertex Models and Spin Chains in Formulas and Pictures4
- Three-Dimensional Mirror Self-Symmetry of the Cotangent Bundle of the Full Flag Variety4
- Elliptic Hypergeometric Sum/Integral Transformations and Supersymmetric Lens Index4
- Poles of Painleve IV Rationals and their Distribution4
- SL( C) Gustafson Integrals3
- Darboux Integrability of Trapezoidal H-4 and H-6 Families of Lattice Equations II: General Solutions3
- Elliptic Dynamical Quantum Groups and Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology3