《Research Synthesis Methods》雜志的最新年發文量為68篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Research Synthesis Methods 雜志發文統計
- A comparison of heterogeneity variance estimators in simulated random-effects meta-analyses46
- Machine learning for identifying Randomized Controlled Trials: An evaluation and practitioner's guide27
- Seriously misleading results using inverse of Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation in meta-analysis of single proportions25
- Detecting small-study effects and funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analysis of survival data: A comparison of new and existing tests24
- Methods to calculate uncertainty in the estimated overall effect size from a random-effects meta-analysis20
- Towards a taxonomy of logic models in systematic reviews and health technology assessments: A priori, staged, and iterative approaches15
- Testing for funnel plot asymmetry of standardized mean differences15
- Methods for evidence synthesis in the case of very few studies14
- A comparison of one-stage vs two-stage individual patient data meta-analysis methods: A simulation study12
- Prioritising references for systematic reviews with RobotAnalyst: A user study11
- England82
- USA47
- Canada22
- Netherlands22
- Switzerland15
- Australia8
- France8
- Greece6
- South Africa6