《Journal Of Operational Oceanography》雜志的最新年發文量為4篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Journal Of Operational Oceanography 雜志發文統計
- Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report12
- A year-long assessment of wave measurements retrieved from an HF radar network in the Gulf of Naples (Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean Sea)11
- Calibration of a marine floating litter transport model7
- Applying area-locked, shallow water Argo floats in Baltic Sea monitoring6
- SIMA Austral: An operational information system for managing the Chilean aquaculture industry with international application5
- Cross-scale operational oceanography in the Adriatic Sea5
- Transport of floating marine litter in the coastal area of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay: A Lagrangian approach using modelling and observations5
- eReefs: An operational information system for managing the Great Barrier Reef4
- A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units4
- On extracting high-frequency tidal variability from HF radar data in the northwestern Bay of Bengal4
- France20
- England15
- India14
- USA14
- Spain13
- Italy12
- Australia9
- Denmark7
- Estonia7