《Discourse & Communication》雜志的最新年發文量為38篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Discourse & Communication 雜志發文統計
- In tragoedia risus: Analysis of dark humour in post-terrorist attack discourse8
- Discourses around climate change in Brazilian newspapers: 2003-20136
- Marketization of universities in China: A critical discourse analysis of the university president's message5
- How Spanish speakers use metaphor to describe their experiences with cancer5
- A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of news reporting on China's air pollution in the official Chinese English-language press4
- A critical multimodal analysis of the Romanian press coverage of camp evictions and deportations of the Roma migrants from France3
- A nation divided against itself: Biafra and the conflicting online protest discourses3
- Telling the world how skilful you are: Self-praise strategies on LinkedIn3
- Fabricating the American Dream in US media portrayals of Syrian refugees: A discourse analytical study3
- 'Discursive news values analysis' of Iranian crime news reports: Perspectives from the culture3
- England26
- USA15
- Australia14
- Sweden11
- Spain6
- New Zealand4
- Nigeria4
- Austria3
- Canada3