《Biomedical Signal Processing And Control》雜志的最新年發文量為1179篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 約3.0個月 。
Biomedical Signal Processing And Control 雜志發文統計
- Speech emotion recognition using deep 1D & 2D CNN LSTM networks62
- Performance evaluation of empirical mode decomposition, discrete wavelet transform, and wavelet packed decomposition for automated epileptic seizure detection and prediction42
- MRI based medical image analysis: Survey on brain tumor grade classification38
- A survey on ECG analysis36
- A convolutional neural network for sleep stage scoring from raw single-channel EEG36
- Decision tree and random forest models for outcome prediction in antibody incompatible kidney transplantation32
- A review on CT image noise and its denoising27
- Techniques and algorithms for computer aided diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions-A review26
- Heartbeat classification fusing temporal and morphological information of ECGs via ensemble of classifiers25
- Spatially adaptive denoising for X-ray cardiovascular angiogram images25
- India175
- Iran83
- USA75
- Canada55
- Italy44
- England38
- Turkey38
- France36
- Brazil31