《Chronic Illness》雜志的最新年發文量為68篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Chronic Illness 雜志發文統計
- Patients' and healthcare professionals' perceptions of self-management support interactions: Systematic review and qualitative synthesis12
- Effectiveness of motivational interviewing for improving physical activity self-management for adults with type 2 diabetes: A review7
- Multi-morbidity: A patient perspective on navigating the health care system and everyday life6
- Diagnostic experience of patients with fibromyalgia - A meta-ethnography5
- You want to show you're a valuable employee': A critical discourse analysis of multi-perspective portrayals of employed women with fibromyalgia4
- The relationship between Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index subscales and diabetes control4
- A solution-focused approach to understanding patient motivation in diabetes self-management: Gender differences and implications for primary care3
- Patient expertise: Contested territory in the realm of long-term condition care3
- The contribution of internet use in personal networks of support for long-term condition self-management3
- I had to change so much in my life to live with my new limitations: Multimorbid patients' descriptions of their most bothersome chronic conditions3
- USA39
- Australia15
- England12
- Denmark6
- Canada5
- France3
- New Zealand3
- Scotland3
- Brazil2