《Crime Media Culture》雜志的最新年發文量為20篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Crime Media Culture 雜志發文統計
- Gang glocalization: How the global mediascape creates and shapes local gang realities8
- The high-profile case as 'fire object': Following the Marianne Vaatstra murder case through the media8
- From geek masculinity to Gamergate: the technological rationality of online abuse8
- Some viewers may find the following images disturbing': Visual representations of refugee deaths at border crossings7
- What's the deal with websleuthing'? News media representations of amateur detectives in networked spaces7
- Real men set norms? Anti-trafficking campaigns and the limits of celebrity norm entrepreneurship6
- Victim stories and victim policy: Is there a case for a narrative victimology?6
- Ghosts of other stories: A synthesis of hauntology, crime and space5
- Forever trapped in the imaginary of late capitalism? The serialized true crime podcast as a wake-up call in times of criminological slumber5
- From empowering the shameful to shaming the empowered: Shifting depictions of the poor in reality TV'5
- England37
- USA37
- Australia26
- Canada15
- Netherlands5
- New Zealand4
- Scotland4
- Colombia2
- Denmark2
- Norway2