International Journal Of Sport And Exercise Psychology 雜志發文統計
International society of sport psychology position stand: Athletes' mental health, performance, and development50
More than one road leads to Rome: A narrative review and meta-analysis of physical activity intervention effects on cognition in youth22
Applying transformational leadership theory to coaching research in youth sport: A systematic literature review12
Variability of practice as an interface between motor and cognitive development9
An empirical examination comparing the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment approach and Psychological Skills Training for the mental health and sport performance of female student athletes9
ISSP position stand: Transnationalism, mobility, and acculturation in and through sport9
Youth sport coaches' role in facilitating positive youth development in Portuguese field hockey9
Sportspersonship coaching behaviours, relatedness need satisfaction, and early adolescent athletes' prosocial and antisocial behaviour8
Psychological demands experienced by recreational endurance athletes7
If my family is okay, I'm okay: Exploring relational processes of cultural transition6