《Comparative Parasitology》雜志的最新年發文量為19篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Comparative Parasitology 雜志發文統計
- First Record of Gyrabascus (Digenea, Pleurogenidae) from Dromiciops bozinovici D'Elia et al., 2016 (Marsupialia: Microbiotheriidae) in Chile and its Phylogenetic Relationships3
- The Paleoepidemiology of Enterobius vermicularis (Nemata: Oxyuridae) Among the Loma San Gabriel at La Cueva de los Muertos Chiquitos (600-800 CE), Rio Zape Valley, Durango, Mexico2
- Functional Morphology and Structural Variability in Lernaeenicus (Copepoda: Pennellidae) Parasitic on Teleost Fishes from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean2
- Acanthocephalans, Including the Description of a New Species of Mediorhynchus (Gigantorhynchidae) and a Redescription of Centrorhynchus clitorideus (Centrorhynchidae) from Vertebrate Hosts from South Africa2
- A New Case of Honeybee Apis mellifera Infection with Bumblebee Parasite Apicystis bombi (Apicomplexa: Neogregarinorida)1
- Nematode Parasites of Rodents (Sigmodontinae) and Update of Those Recorded in Other Wild Mammals from Costa Rica1
- Helminth Survey of the Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) from the Rolling Plains of Texas, USA1
- A New Species of Dieffluvium (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea) from Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) from the Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas, USA1
- First Molecular Characterization of Linguatula recurvata (Pentastomida) and First Record in Baird's Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) from Calakmul, Mexico1
- Gastrointestinal Helminths of Three Species of Limnonectes Frogs (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from Malaysia1
- USA35
- Mexico6
- Australia4
- Canada4
- Brazil3
- Chile2
- India2
- Slovakia2
- South Africa2