《International Journal Of Forest Engineering》雜志的最新年發文量為34篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
International Journal Of Forest Engineering 雜志發文統計
- Impacts of silvicultural prescriptions and implementation of best management practices on timber harvesting costs5
- Wheel rut measurements by forest machine-mounted LiDAR sensors - accuracy and potential for operational applications?5
- The technical development of forwarders in Sweden between 1962 and 2012 and of sales between 1975 and 20174
- Dry matter losses and their economic significance in forest energy procurement4
- Steep terrain forest operations - challenges, technology development, current implementation, and future opportunities4
- Use of smartphone sensors to quantify the productive cycle elements of hand fallers on industrial cable logging operations3
- Achieving a smooth flow of fuel deliveries by truck to an urban biomass power plant in Helsinki, Finland - an agent-based simulation approach3
- Review of efficiencies in comminuting forest fuels2
- Cutting performance comparison of low-kickback saw chain2
- Soil response to skidder trafficking and slash application2
- USA28
- Finland12
- Sweden12
- Japan7
- Austria5
- Brazil5
- Italy4
- Norway4
- Canada3