《Communication And Critical-cultural Studies》雜志的最新年發文量為30篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Communication And Critical-cultural Studies 雜志發文統計
- Me too, #MeToo: countering cruelty with empathy26
- Archipelagic rhetoric: remapping the Marianas and challenging militarization from A Stirring Place10
- Latinx rhetoric and intersectionality in racial rhetorical criticism8
- White lies: a racial history of the (post)truth7
- Towards an insistent and transformative racial rhetorical criticism7
- Against canon: engaging the imperative of race in rhetoric5
- The wounded man: Foxcatcher and the incoherence of white masculine victimhood5
- The imperative of race for rhetorical studies: toward divesting from disciplinary and institutionalized whiteness5
- Cruel intentions: affect theory in the age of Trump5
- The imperative for examining anti-Muslim racism in rhetorical studies4
- USA86
- Australia1
- Denmark1
- Estonia1
- Indonesia1
- Kuwait1
- New Zealand1
- South Africa1
- Taiwan1