《Journal Of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為35篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計(jì)
- Popping the cultural bubble of violence risk assessment tools6
- Establishing a joint agency response to the threat of lone-actor grievance-fuelled violence6
- Building from the ground up: exploring forensic mental health staff's relationships with patients5
- The use of telepsychiatry within forensic practice: a literature review on the use of videolink - a ten-year follow-up5
- Perceived workplace adversity and correctional officer psychological well-being: an international examination of the impact of officer response styles4
- The impact of an intensive inpatient violent offender treatment programme on intermediary treatment targets, violence risk and aggressive behaviour in a sample of mentally disordered offenders4
- Least restrictive practice: its role in patient independence and recovery3
- Evaluating the utility of strength' items when assessing the risk of young offenders3
- Red-teaming the panopticon (mobilising adaptive change in secure and forensic settings)3
- Evaluation of the use of pharmacological treatment with prisoners experiencing high levels of hypersexual disorder3