《Journal Of Early Childhood Literacy》雜志的最新年發文量為24篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Early Childhood Literacy 雜志發文統計
- Are we asking the right questions? An analysis of research on the effect of teachers' questioning on children's language during shared book reading with young children10
- What are we downloading for our children? Best-selling children's apps in four European countries7
- An emergent bilingual child's multimodal choices in sociodramatic play6
- Drawn and written funds of knowledge: A window into emerging bilingual children's experiences and social interpretations through their written narratives and drawings6
- Ten years after: Revisiting the question of e-book quality as early language and literacy support5
- i'Babies: Infants' and toddlers' emergent language and literacy in a digital culture of iDevices5
- An empirical investigation of the dimensionality of the physical literacy environment in early childhood classrooms5
- The Emergence of transnational awareness among children in immigrant families5
- On differences and deficits: A critique of the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the word gap4
- 'So many books they don't even all fit on the bookshelf': An examination of low-income mothers' home literacy practices, beliefs and influencing factors4
- USA58
- England19
- Australia16
- Canada9
- Sweden5
- Israel4
- Finland2
- Japan2
- Norway2