《European Union Politics》雜志的最新年發文量為33篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
European Union Politics 雜志發文統計
- Why support International redistribution? Corruption and public support for aid in the eurozone14
- Analysing European Union decision-making during the Eurozone crisis with new data13
- Modes of government responsiveness in the European Union: Evidence from Council negotiation positions11
- United in fear: Interest group coalition formation as a weapon of the weak?10
- European but not European enough: An explanation for Brexit10
- Bread and butter or bread and circuses? Politicisation and the European Commission in the European Semester9
- Explaining governmental preferences on Economic and Monetary Union Reform9
- Conditional legitimacy: How turnout, majority size, and outcome affect perceptions of legitimacy in European Union membership referendums7
- Bargaining success in the reform of the Eurozone7
- Political conflict in the reform of the Eurozone7
- USA18
- Netherlands16
- Italy14
- Switzerland14
- England11
- Belgium10
- Sweden8
- Denmark7
- Austria6