該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Interpreting 雜志發文統計
- The cognitive load of interpreters in the European Parliament A corpus-based study of predictors for the disfluency uh(m)7
- Meta-analyses of simultaneous interpreting and working memory5
- Using rating scales to assess interpretation Practices, problems and prospects4
- Interpreter mediation at political press conferences A narrative account4
- Investigating the presumed cognitive advantage of aspiring interpreters3
- How sign language interpreters use multimodal actions to coordinate turn-taking in group work between deaf and hearing upper secondary school students3
- Training doctor-minded interpreters and interpreter-minded doctors The benefits of collaborative practice in interpreter training3
- A corpus for signed language interpreting research2
- Holistic assessment of consecutive interpretation How interpreter trainers rate student performances1
- Expectations vs. experience Attitudes towards video remote conference interpreting1
- Belgium6
- Australia5
- Switzerland4
- France3
- Poland3
- Austria2
- Italy2
- South Africa2
- Sweden2