該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Health 雜志發文統計
- Tenacious assumptions of person-centred care? Exploring tensions and variations in practice13
- Social ecology of resilience and Sumud of Palestinians10
- How do health behaviour interventions take account of social context? A literature trend and co-citation analysis9
- Creating 'automatic subjects': Corporate wellness and self-tracking7
- It was like I had to fit into a category: Care-seekers' experiences of gender regulation in the Swedish trans-specific healthcare7
- 'There's no pill to help you deal with the guilt and shame': Contemporary experiences of HIV in the United Kingdom7
- Practices of partnership: Negotiated safety among couples who inject drugs5
- Visibility, resilience, vulnerability in young migrants5
- It's sometimes hard to tell what patients are playing at': How healthcare professionals make sense of why patients and families complain about care4
- I'm only dealing with the acute issues': How medical ward busyness' constrains care of the dying3
- England52
- Australia28
- USA17
- Canada16
- Sweden11
- Norway8
- Scotland8
- Netherlands7
- Denmark6
- Finland5