《Journal Of Beliefs & Values-studies In Religion & Education》雜志的最新年發文量為48篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Beliefs & Values-studies In Religion & Education 雜志發文統計
- Religious education, a matter of understanding? reflections on the final report of the Commission on Religious Education10
- Preventing extremism through education: exploring impacts and implications of counter-radicalisation efforts7
- Learning from exemplars: emulation, character formation and the complexities of ordinary life6
- Attitude toward Christianity, sexual orientation, and parental religiosity in a sample of Italian adolescents6
- Worldviews education: cosmopolitan peacebuilding and preventing violent extremism6
- Possible competences to be aimed at in ethics education - Ethical competences highlighted in educational research journals5
- Assessing peer and parental influence on the religious attitudes and attendance of young churchgoers: exploring the Australian National Church Life Survey5
- Building a terrorist house on sand: a critical incident analysis of interprofessionality and the Prevent duty in schools in England4
- Balancing securitisation and education in schools: teachers' agency in implementing the Prevent duty4
- Evaluating the pilot Narnian Virtues Character Education English Curriculum Project: a study among 11-to 13-year-old students4
- England70
- Finland16
- USA15
- Australia14
- Netherlands7
- Sweden6
- Estonia5
- Ireland4