《Journal Of Modern Italian Studies》雜志的最新年發文量為21篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Modern Italian Studies 雜志發文統計
- Young people's disadvantages on the labour market in Italy: reframing the NEET category8
- When populists meet technocrats. The Italian innovation in government formation4
- Migration, knowledge production and the humanitarian agenda in times of crisis3
- The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem3
- A generational attitude: young adults facing the economic crisis in Milan3
- Social practices and lifestyles in Italian youth cultures3
- Young people and drinking in Italy: the good side of familism3
- Between containment, confinement and dispersal: the evolution of the Italian reception system before and after the refugee crisis'2
- Briefly remembering Rosario Villari (1925-2017)2
- No Italian Stalingrads. The CGIL and the working class in the northern industrial heartlands, 1945-19551
- Italy75
- USA47
- England15
- Canada5
- Belgium2
- Brazil2
- France2
- Ireland2
- Netherlands2