《Paleontological Research》雜志的最新年發文量為35篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Paleontological Research 雜志發文統計
- Response of deep-sea benthic foraminifera to paleoproductivity changes on the Shatsky Rise in the northwestern Pacific Ocean over the last 187 kyr3
- Globusphyton Wang et al., an Ediacaran macroalga, crept on the seafloor in the Yangtze Block, South China3
- Early Triassic conodonts from the Tahogawa Member of the Taho Formation, Ehime Prefecture, Southwest Japan3
- Active floating with buoyancy of pseudopodia versus passive floating by hydrodynamic drag force: A case study of the flat-shaped spumellarian radiolarian Dictyocoryne2
- The Guadalupian (Permian) Gufeng Formation on the north margin of the South China block: A review of the lithostratigraphy, radiolarian biostratigraphy, and geochemical characteristics2
- The first cetacean record from the Osaka Group (Middle Pleistocene, Quaternary) in Osaka, Japan2
- Integrated Upper Triassic conodont and radiolarian biostratigraphies of the Panthalassa Ocean2
- Paleocene radiolarian faunas in the deep-marine sediments near Zhongba County, southern Tibet2
- Cheilostome Bryozoa from the Upper Cretaceous Himenoura Group, Kyushu, Japan2
- The Late Cretaceous chimaeroid fish, Ischyodus bifurcatus Case (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali), from California, USA, and its paleobiogeographical significance2
- Japan67
- USA5
- England4
- Russia4
- Poland2
- Argentina1
- Belgium1
- Canada1