《Egitim Ve Bilim-education And Science》雜志的最新年發文量為40篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Egitim Ve Bilim-education And Science 雜志發文統計
- The Use of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses: A Document Analysis4
- Effectiveness of Video Modeling Combined with Auditory Technology Support in Teaching Skills for Using Community Resources to Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities3
- TPACK Self-Efficacy Perceptions of Science Teachers: A Structural Equation Modeling Study3
- Emotion Regulation and Emotion Understanding in Preschoolers as a Predictor of the Maternal Socialization of Emotion2
- Examination of Secondary School Students' Hope Levels in terms of Anxiety, Depression and Perfectionism2
- Influence of Gamification Elements on Emotion, Interest and Online Participation2
- Examining the Data Component Used by Seventh Grade Students in Arguments Related to Local Socioscientific Issues2
- A Buchet From Disciplines: SSSM (Social Sciences - Science - Mathematics)2
- The Effect of Common Knowledge Construction Model on Academic Achievement and Conceptual Understandings of High School Students on Heat and Temperature2
- Role of Psychological and Structural Empowerment in the Relationship between Teachers' Psychological Capital and Their Levels of Burnout2
- Turkey213
- USA5
- Montenegro2
- Saudi Arabia2
- Cyprus1
- England1
- Finland1
- Malaysia1
- Pakistan1