《Historia Agraria》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為27篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 30 Weeks 。
Historia Agraria 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計
- The green revolution as a process of global circulation: plants, people and practices2
- Iberians against locusts: fighting cross-border bio-invaders (1898-1947)2
- Firewood consumption and energy transition: a survey of sources, methods and explanations in Europe and North America2
- Continuity, change, and geographical differences in Spain's firewood consumption: a new estimation (1860-2010)1
- Main drivers of the evolution of grazing in the alpine area of Valli del Leno (Trentino, Northern Italy) during the last two centuries: natural resources, labour and investments1
- Land-use and rural inequality profiles in the province of Barcelona in mid-nineteenth century1
- Transformations in the food system and the role of industrial and food distribution changes in the Spanish diet during the twentieth century1
- New crops, new landscapes and new socio-political relationships in the canada de Yosotiche (Mixteca region, Oaxaca, Mexico), 16th-18th centuries1
- A failed outpost: official colonization and properties in the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco (1912-1956)0
- Improving useful species: a public policy of the Directoire regime and Napoleonic Empire in Europe (1795-1815)0
- Spain77
- Chile7
- Mexico7
- Argentina6
- England5
- Portugal5
- USA4
- Colombia3
- Italy3
- Netherlands3