《Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology》雜志的最新年發文量為55篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 雜志發文統計
- Do the Associations of Parenting Styles With Behavior Problems and Academic Achievement Vary by Culture? Results From a Meta-Analysis30
- Political Activism and Mental Health Among Black and Latinx College Students14
- Pilot Intervention for Discrimination-Related Coping Among HIV-Positive Black Sexual Minority Men12
- Acculturation, Acculturative Stressors, and Family Relationships Among Latina/o Immigrants9
- Substance Use Among Urban Youth of Color: Exploring the Role of Community-Based Predictors, Ethnic Identity, and Intrapersonal Psychological Empowerment9
- Equal but Different: Effects of Equality/Inclusion and Cultural Pluralism on Intergroup Outcomes in Multiethnic Classrooms9
- Racial Discrimination Experiences and African American Youth Adjustment: The Role of Parenting Profiles Based on Racial Socialization and Involved-Vigilant Parenting8
- Risk and Protective Factors of Intimate Partner Violence Among South Asian Immigrant Women and Perceived Need for Services8
- Perceived Discrimination and Well-Being Among Unauthorized Hispanic Immigrants: The Moderating Role of Ethnic/Racial Group Identity Centrality8
- Racism and Health: Challenges and Future Directions in Behavioral and Psychological Research8
- USA153
- Canada5
- Chile3
- New Zealand3
- Spain3
- Australia2
- Brazil2
- England2
- Netherlands2