《Geology Of Ore Deposits》雜志的最新年發文量為75篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 較慢,6-12周 。
Geology Of Ore Deposits 雜志發文統計
- Invisible Gold in Synthetic and Natural Arsenopyrite Crystals, Vorontsovka Deposit, Northern Urals4
- Paleoproterozoic Keulik-Kenirim Ore-Bearing Gabbro-Peridotite Complex, Kola Region: A New Occurrence of Ferropicritic Magmatism3
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Features of Oolitic Ironstones from the Sinara-Techa Deposit, Kurgan District, Russia3
- Thermal Convection of Fluids as a Possible Mechanism for the Formation of the Unique Streltsovka and Antei Uranium Deposits (Eastern Transbaikalia)3
- Loypishnyun Low-Sulfide Pt-Pd Deposit of the Monchetundra Basic Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia3
- Tellurium-Bearing Mineralization in Clastic Ores at the Yubileynoe Copper Massive Sulfide Deposit (Southern Urals)2
- Mineral Systems, Their Types, and Distributions in Nature: 3. Otto Mountain (USA) and El Dragon (Bolivia) Deposits2
- Morphological Features of Diamond Crystals Dissolved in Fe0.7S0.3 Melt at 4 GPa and 1400A degrees C2
- New Data on Chemical Composition and Vibrational Spectra of Magnetoplumbite-Group Minerals2
- Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites, and Sulfates in the Oxidation Zone of Sulfide Ores. XIV. Selenium Minerals in the Oxidation Zone of the Yubileynoe Massive Sulfide Deposit, the South Urals2
- Russia154
- Australia4
- England2
- Austria1
- Bulgaria1
- Czech Republic1
- Denmark1
- France1