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Horttechnology 雜志發文統計
- The Status and Future of the Strawberry Industry in the United States11
- Hand and Mechanical Fruit-zone Leaf Removal at Prebloom and Fruit-set Was More Effective in Reducing Crop Yield than Reducing Bunch Rot in 'Riesling' Grapevines6
- Foliar Sprays of Silver Thiosulfate Produce Male Flowers on Female Hemp Plants6
- Composting as an Alternative Management Strategy for Sargassum Drifts on Coastlines5
- Factors Influencing Insecticide Efficacy against Armored and Soft Scales4
- Interactions between Irrigation and Fertilization on Growth Performance of Gesnariad4
- Assessment of Pruning and Controlled-release Fertilizer to Rejuvenate Huanglongbing-affected Sweet Orange4
- Early Season Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality of Standard and Mini Watermelon Grafted onto Several Commercially Available Cucurbit Rootstocks4
- Chitosan as Soil Amendment Affects Lettuce Growth, Photochemical Efficiency, and Gas Exchange4
- Polyethylene and Biodegradable Plastic Mulches for Strawberry Production in the United States: Experiences and Opinions of Growers in Three Regions4