《Management Accounting Research》雜志的最新年發文量為14篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Management Accounting Research 雜志發文統計
- Interview-based research in accounting 2000-2014: Informal norms, translation and vibrancy10
- In Search of the Perfect One: How accounting as a maieutic machine sustains inventions through generative 'in-tensions'9
- Relationships among types of use, levels of sophistication, and organizational outcomes of performance measurement systems: The crucial role of design choices9
- Fostering and forcing uses of accounting: Labour-management negotiations in the automotive crisis in Canada 2008-20095
- Institutional entrepreneurship, practice memory, and cultural memory: Choice and creativity in the pursuit of endogenous change of local authority budgeting5
- Contested organizational change and accounting in trials of incompatibility4
- Management accounting as a political resource for enabling embedded agency4
- Identity conflict and the paradox of embedded agency in the management accounting profession: Adding a new piece to the theoretical jigsaw3
- Systems of secrecy: Confidences and gossip in management accountants' handling of dual role expectations and MCS limitations3
- Is a fresh pair of eyes always better? The effect of consultant type and assigned task purpose on communicating project escalation concerns3
- USA12
- Netherlands9
- Australia8
- Canada5
- England5
- Denmark4
- Spain4
- Sweden4
- Singapore3