《Computer Assisted Language Learning》雜志的最新年發文量為55篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Computer Assisted Language Learning 雜志發文統計
- The effects of a mobile gamification app on elementary students' Spanish achievement and self-efficacy17
- Understanding the nature of learners' out-of-class language learning experience with technology14
- Automated written corrective feedback: how well can students make use of it?13
- Autonomous language learning through a mobile application: a user evaluation of the busuu app11
- Computer-mediated collaborative writing in L2 contexts: an analysis of empirical research11
- Digital affordances on WeChat: learning Chinese as a second language11
- Analytics in online and offline language learning environments: the role of learning design to understand student online engagement10
- Enhancing beginner learners' oral proficiency in a flipped Chinese foreign language classroom10
- Self-directed language learning in a mobile-assisted, out-of-class context: do students walk the talk?10
- Mobile-assisted ESL/EFL vocabulary learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis10
- Taiwan37
- USA31
- Spain18
- Iran15
- England13
- Turkey11
- Belgium10
- Australia7
- Netherlands6