該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Recall 雜志發文統計
- Mobile-assisted language learning: A Duolingo case study11
- Self-directed use of mobile devices for language learning beyond the classroom9
- The role of telecollaboration in language and intercultural learning: A synthesis of studies published between 2010 and 20159
- Effects of a mobile game-based English vocabulary learning app on learners' perceptions and learning performance: A case study of Taiwanese EFL learners6
- Professional development in the transition to online teaching: The voice of entrant online instructors5
- Podcast-based pronunciation training: Enhancing FL learners' perception and production of fossilised segmental features5
- Virtual world anonymity and foreign language oral interaction4
- The impact of automated feedback on L2 learners' written causal explanations4
- Unlearning overgenerated be through data-driven learning in the secondary EFL classroom4
- Effects of gloss type on text recall and incidental vocabulary learning in mobile-assisted L2 listening4
- USA12
- Taiwan8
- Turkey7
- South Korea5
- Spain5
- Japan4
- Australia3
- France3
- Iran3