《Journal Of Rational-emotive And Cognitive-behavior Therapy》雜志的最新年發文量為42篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Rational-emotive And Cognitive-behavior Therapy 雜志發文統計
- The Development of a Measure of Irrational/Rational Beliefs10
- Anxiety, Depression, and Procrastination Among Students: Rumination Plays a Larger Mediating Role than Worry9
- The Relationship Between Automatic Thoughts and Irrational Beliefs Predicting Anxiety and Depression9
- Effect of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Program on Depressive Symptoms Among University Students with Blindness in Nigeria6
- Rational Emotive Digital Storytelling Therapy for Improving HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Risk Perception Among Schoolchildren: A Group Randomized Trial5
- The Protective Role of Rational Beliefs on the Relationship Between Irrational Beliefs, Emotional States of Stress, Depression and Anxiety4
- A Historical and Theoretical Review of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies: From Structural Self-Knowledge to Functional Processes4
- A Clinical Strategy to Strengthen the Connection Between Cognition, Emotion, and Behavior: From Philosophical Principles to Psychotherapy Practice3
- How do Rumination and Social Problem Solving Intensify Depression? A Longitudinal Study3
- Dysfunctional Beliefs and Personality Traits2
- USA31
- Turkey17
- England11
- Nigeria11
- Italy10
- Romania7
- Australia6
- Canada5
- Iran5