《Ultrasound Quarterly》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為42篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 12周,或約稿 。
Ultrasound Quarterly 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計
- A Single-Center Retrospective Validation Study of the American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System11
- Is Lung Ultrasound Useful for Diagnosing Pneumonia in Children?: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review9
- Bowel Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Meta-analysis7
- Lung Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Children-A Metaanalysis and a Review of Pediatric Lung Imaging6
- Diagnosing Polyps on Transvaginal Sonography Is Sonohysterography Always Necessary?6
- Quantitative Assessment of Thyroid Gland Vascularization With Vascularization Index Using Color Superb Microvascular Imaging in Pediatric Patients With Hashimoto Thyroiditis5
- Experience of Using Shear Wave Elastography Imaging in Evaluation of Undescended Testes in Children Feasibility, Reproducibility, and Clinical Potential5
- Quantitative Assessment of Thyroid, Submandibular, and Parotid Glands Elasticity With Shear-Wave Elastography in Children5
- Ultrasound Imaging of the Brachial Plexus and Nerves About the Neck4
- Effectiveness of Bedside Lung Ultrasound for Clinical Follow-Up of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Patients Treated With Tube Thoracostomy4
- USA69
- Turkey30
- South Korea13
- Italy5
- Japan5
- Poland4
- Canada3
- Australia2
- Brazil2