《Social Justice Research》雜志的最新年發文量為22篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Social Justice Research 雜志發文統計
- Contributive Justice: An Exploration of a Wider Provision of Meaningful Work5
- Belief in a Just World as a Resource of Victimized Students5
- Perceptions of Economic Inequality and Support for Redistribution: The role of Existential and Utopian Standards5
- Brazilian Adolescents' Just World Beliefs and Its Relationships with School Fairness, Student Conduct, and Legal Authorities4
- Public Health as Social Justice? A Qualitative Study of Public Health Policy-Makers' Perspectives3
- The Role of Perceived Justice, Political Ideology, and Individual or Collective Framing in Support for Environmental Policies3
- Misleading by Example: The Effects of a Manager's Unfair Customer Treatment on Service Employee Performance and Perceived Managerial Trustworthiness2
- Operationalizing a Conceptual Model of Colorism in Local Policing2
- Incorporating Inequality Aversion in Health-Care Priority Setting2
- Innovation as a value in healthcare priority-setting: the UK experience2