《Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences》雜志的最新年發文量為132篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 一般,6-16周 。
Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences 雜志發文統計
- Three problems with the conventional delta-model for biomass sampling data, and a computationally efficient alternative11
- Integrating diverse objectives for sustainable fisheries in Canada11
- Bayesian inference from the conditional genetic stock identification model10
- Spatiotemporal analysis of compositional data: increased precision and improved workflow using model-based inputs to stock assessment10
- Accounting for variable recruitment and fishing mortality in length-based stock assessments for data-limited fisheries9
- Landscape-scale social and ecological outcomes of dynamic angler and fish behaviours: processes, data, and patterns9
- Life-history variability and conservation status of landlocked Atlantic salmon: an overview9
- Spatial variability of lake trout diets in Lakes Huron and Michigan revealed by stomach content and fatty acid profiles9
- Identification of a single genomic region associated with seasonal river return timing in adult Scottish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), using a genome-wide association study9
- Integrating techniques: a review of the effects of anthropogenic noise on freshwater fish9
- USA324
- Canada221
- Norway30
- Australia25
- France25
- Finland12
- Japan12
- Spain12
- Denmark11