《Journal Of Child Language》雜志的最新年發文量為67篇。
該刊的平均審稿周期約為 。
Journal Of Child Language 雜志發文統計
- Infant-directed speech from seven to nineteen months has similar acoustic properties but different functions10
- Keeping it simple: the grammatical properties of shared book reading9
- Infant statistical-learning ability is related to real-time language processing9
- Was that my name? Infants' listening in conversational multi-talker backgrounds5
- Interpreting physical and mental metaphors: Is Theory of Mind associated with pragmatics in middle childhood?5
- Does phonological distance impact quality of phonological representations? Evidence from Arabic diglossia5
- Metaphor processing in middle childhood and at the transition to early adolescence: the role of chronological age, mental age, and verbal intelligence4
- Acquiring a first language in adolescence: the case of basic word order in American Sign Language4
- In few words: linguistic gap but adequate narrative structure in preschool bilingual children4
- Locals don't have accents: children weigh phonological proficiency over syntactic or semantic proficiency when categorizing individuals4