《Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology》雜志的最新年發(fā)文量為0篇。
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Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology 雜志發(fā)文統(tǒng)計
- Transcriptional Regulation and Genes Involved in First Lineage Specification During Preimplantation Development5
- Doubly Uniparental Inheritance of mtDNA: An Unappreciated Defiance of a General Rule4
- Pulmonary Endothelial Cell Apoptosis in Emphysema and Acute Lung Injury3
- Transcription Factors Regulating Embryonic Development of Pulmonary Vasculature3
- Comparative View of Lung Vascular Endothelium of Cattle, Horses, and Water Buffalo2
- The Pulmonary Vascular Barrier: Insights into Structure, Function, and Regulatory Mechanisms2
- Chromatin Remodelling Proteins and Cell Fate Decisions in Mammalian Preimplantation Development2
- ROCK and RHO Playlist for Preimplantation Development: Streaming to HIPPO Pathway and Apicobasal Polarity in the First Cell Differentiation2
- Autophagosomal Sperm Organelle Clearance and mtDNA Inheritance in C. elegans2
- Transmission of Dysfunctional Mitochondrial DNA and Its Implications for Mammalian Reproduction1
- USA15
- Brazil12
- Australia2
- Denmark2
- England2
- Italy2
- Scotland2
- Canada1
- France1