該刊的平均審稿周期約為 偏慢,4-8周 。
Perception 雜志發文統計
- Impending Collision Judgment from an Egocentric Perspective in Real and Virtual Environments: A Review5
- Spatial Bias Induced by Simple Addition and Subtraction: From Eye Movement Evidence5
- Angular Versus Curved Shapes: Correspondences and Emotional Processing5
- Proprioceptive Precision and Degree of Visuo-Proprioceptive Discrepancy Do Not Influence the Strength of the Rubber Hand Illusion5
- Illusions With Hands, but Not With Balloons - Comparing Ownership and Referral of Touch for a Corporal and Noncorporal Object After Visuotactile Stimulation5
- What Is a Face? Critical Features for Face Detection5
- Diagnosing Prosopagnosia: The Utility of Visual Noise in the Cambridge Face Recognition Test4
- Effects of Facial Skin Smoothness and Blemishes on Trait Impressions4
- Familiarity and Within-Person Facial Variability: The Importance of the Internal and External Features4
- How Much Spatial Information Is Lost in the Sensory Substitution Process? Comparing Visual, Tactile, and Auditory Approaches4